
Education is an effort of acquiring and impacting knowledge in a designated area, this particular deliberate effort is a collaborative one such that everyone in the society ranging from the teachers, students and parents have a role to play in education. The active participation of parents in their children’s education has been scientifically proven to have great impact on their academic lives and general well being.

However, here in this article, we will delve into the various ways at which parents can contribute to their child(s) educational journey.


Ways at which parents contribute to education

1} Through the means of establishing a good and conducive learning environment, parents help to encourage good reading habits and dedication. By setting aside a conducive, equipped and less crowded learning space, it provides a favourable condition for learning. In addition, parents can help their children develop love for reading by creating a home library, and regularly engaging them in fun learning activities, that may involve puzzles, quizzes and fun games, that will help boost the child’s mental health. These simple steps taken by parents foster a sense of inquisitivity for learning.


2} the parents help to encourage homework habits. This particular involvement can be done with many approach, one of which the parents could create a routine Including the time for completion of assignments and taking corrections. It is important to note that the homework is a basic part of a student’s academic experience. In addition, parents can help their children to develop useful time utilisation skills, making sure that their home works are soughted out on time.


3} Parents support extracurricular activities. It is important to note that education goes far beyond the four walls of the classroom, it is basically any action done to improve one’s state, physically, mentally, emotionally or spirituality. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, card games, track games, arts\crafts and clubs, enables the proper growth and development of the children. Parents can support their child’s active participation in these activities by attending games, performances, or even meetings. Through the means of showing interest and encouragement, parents help their children develop a well moulded personality and foster a sense of belonging in family and society at large.


4} Parents acts as role models and characters that their children should emulate. Parents who value education, love to gain knowledge and have passion for learning will most definitely inspire their children to follow same path. By engaging in their own educational sectors\pursuits, which may include reading books, attending work shops for practice, or taking some courses online or offline, parents indirectly set an example for their children.


5} parents give their children access to technical materials and gadgets, and necessary learning equipments. Children are exposed to devices like phones and laptops, given the opportunity to research and learn beyond their curriculum, thereby boosting their level of understanding and general well being. Parents also do provide all the basic learning tools the children needs, helping them to get just the right information they need.


6} parents monitor the childrens stats and general performance in academics. Since their performances are being evaluated from time to time the parents do know how good the child is and the various aspects they need the help of an extra tutor. The children are encouraged to put in more efforts and end up doing well as a result of the words of encouragement and determination.


In a nutshell I can say that, the involvement\active participation of parents in education is a very tangible asset that have greatly impacted children’s academic performances and overall development.

By creating a good and conducive learning environment for the children, encouraging home-work habits and time management, supporting extracurricular activities and acting as an academic role model, parents play a vital role in shaping their child’s educational path.

Together, both parents and teachers form a powerful partnership ensures they get the best possible outcomes from students, preparing them for a successful future ahead.


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